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Dorothy L. Sayers, Indagini romantiche, Omnibus Mondadori, Milano 1993 (immagine dal link) |
Con il "ricercato" di oggi un insolito e molto seducente libro dalla collana Omnibus Mondadori, raccolta molto ricercata e di gradevole pregio editoriale (vedi mio post). Indagini romantiche supera spesso i 100 euro in asta.
Cito la trama da sololibri.net: "Lord Peter in viaggio di nozze - Ogni amante del genere giallo conosce sicuramente la splendida Dorothy Sayers e il suo fantastico e fantasioso eroe, Lord Peter Wimsey, protagonista di quasi tutti i suoi libri.
Anche qui si tratta di un omicidio, ma sarà arduo per Lord Peter venirne a capo, preso com’è dal suo fresco matrimonio e dalla sua luna di miele che, nonostante tutti i programmi minuziosi, si rivelerà assolutamente insolita, ma non priva di brividi e follie. Si tratta in questo caso direi quasi di una commedia soffice e sorridente in cui seguiamo con interesse Lord Peter e la sua novella sposa, l’affascinante Harriet Vane, scrittrice di gialli a lungo corteggiata, inseguita, desiderata e finalmente sposata, mentre si stabiliscono in un vecchio cottage nel bel mezzo della campagna inglese, per trascorrervi la luna di miele.
Molti disagi e problemi, tra cui la presenza di numerosi e vari personaggi del luogo, descritti e commentati con dovizia di particolari, tutti presi nella loro peculiare personalità, che viene fatta risaltare unicamente grazie ad un fuoco d’artificio di dialoghi e battibecchi, senza un attimo di tregua.
Seguiamo il punto di vista di Lord Peter e poi siamo invitati ad osservare il punto di vista di Lady Wimsey, con un artificio stilistico elegante che ci permette di accompagnare la nostra coppia con interesse e partecipazione emotiva durante lo svolgersi delle azioni, fino alla conclusione, che svela alcuni lati nascosti - e non per questo meno compassionevoli - dei loro caratteri, che ce li fanno giustamente apprezzare. Humor, stile, sentimento ed un’indagine appassionata: tutti i libri di Dorothy Sayers meritano il tempo della nostra lettura."
With this week's scarce book I'm going to suggest this unusual and seductive book by the Omnibus Mondadori's collection, which has published very sought-after and pleasant books (look my post). Indagini romantiche often reaches 100 euros on auctions.
I quote the plot from sololibri.net: "Lord Peter on honeymoon - Every crime lover knows the splendid Dorothy Sayers and her fantastic and creative hero, Lord Peter Wimsey, the protagonist of almost all her books.
This time we have a murder too, but it's going to be hard for him to get to the bottom of the thing, cause he's busy with his wedding and honeymoon, that will reveal surprises with a little of suspance. It's a soft comedy where we follow with interest Lord Peter and his wife, the fascinating Harriet Vane, a writer of crime books. He courted her for a long time and finally he married her and they went to live in a cottage in the English country, to spend there the honeymoon.
Then came problems and many people get involved in the story, all described by the author in detail.
First we follow Lord Peter's point of view, then Lady Wimsey's, with an elegant style of narration that increases the interest to the story and takes us to the conclusion, which is going to surprise us. Humour, style, feelings and capturing investigation: all her books are worth to be red."
With this week's scarce book I'm going to suggest this unusual and seductive book by the Omnibus Mondadori's collection, which has published very sought-after and pleasant books (look my post). Indagini romantiche often reaches 100 euros on auctions.
I quote the plot from sololibri.net: "Lord Peter on honeymoon - Every crime lover knows the splendid Dorothy Sayers and her fantastic and creative hero, Lord Peter Wimsey, the protagonist of almost all her books.
This time we have a murder too, but it's going to be hard for him to get to the bottom of the thing, cause he's busy with his wedding and honeymoon, that will reveal surprises with a little of suspance. It's a soft comedy where we follow with interest Lord Peter and his wife, the fascinating Harriet Vane, a writer of crime books. He courted her for a long time and finally he married her and they went to live in a cottage in the English country, to spend there the honeymoon.
Then came problems and many people get involved in the story, all described by the author in detail.
First we follow Lord Peter's point of view, then Lady Wimsey's, with an elegant style of narration that increases the interest to the story and takes us to the conclusion, which is going to surprise us. Humour, style, feelings and capturing investigation: all her books are worth to be red."
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