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Gillian Wearing, Signs that say what you want them to say and not Signs that say what someone else wants you to say 1992 - 1993, London, Maureen Paley Interim Art, 1997, edition of 1.500 (immagine dal link) |
Tra i cosiddetti YBAs (Young British Artists), mitico gruppo di artisti lanciati da Charles Saatchi verso la metà degli anni Novanta (di cui scrissi svariate volte - vedi ad es. questo post), Gillian Wearing risulta la più concettuale.
Nata nel 1963 a Birmingham, nel 1993 ebbe la sua prima mostra personale al City Racing di Londra.
La sua attività è incentrata principalmente sulla videoart e la fotografia, utilizzate per esprimere il suo concetto cardine di arte: editing life, ossia la registrazione di volti e attività umane senza una precisa scelta tipologica e sempre in maniera casuale. Sulla scia della tradizione ritrattistica di fotografi come Walker Evans o Diane Arbus.
Nella mostra del 1993 espose per la prima volta i suoi famosi Signs, la serie di fotografie nata dalla richiesta ai passanti di South London di scrivere su un foglio di carta i loro pensieri, per poi essere immortalati con il messaggio in mano. I ritratti realizzati furono seicento e il catalogo di cui sopra è la testimonianza di questa ricerca. Si tratta del primo da lei realizzato, ad oggi valutato sui 70-180 euro (ma sicuramente in ascesa).
Un altro libro piuttosto intrigante dal punto di vista tipografico e non comune è questo in basso, tratto dalla mostra presso la nota Serpentine Gallery di Londra e sponsorizzata dall'Observer (al link potete trovare maggiori informazioni).
In quell'occasione riassuntiva l'artista espose vecchie e nuove opere, che "potrebbero non significare nulla per te, ma dopo averla visitata avrai ottenuto il gusto della Gillian per l'arte, anche senza averle mai viste", come recita la presentazione alla mostra (link di cui sopra, in inglese).
Between the so-called YBAs (Young British Artist), the famous artist group led by Charles Saatchi in the middle of the XX century (about which I wrote many times - look for ex. this post), Gillian Wearing is the most conceptual.
Born in 1963 in Birmingham, in 1993 she had her first solo exhibition at the City Racing of London.
Her activity is mainly concentrated in videoart and photography, used to express her idea of art: editing life, or in other words the registration of faces and human activities without a precise choice of tipology and always random. As well as photographers like Walker Evans or Diane Arbus.
In the 1993 exhibition she exposed for the first time her famous Signs, a series of pictures made when she went to South London and she asked people to write down their thoughts on a paper and be photographed with them. The pictures made were six thousand and the catalogue I'm suggesting is the result of that. It's her first catalogue, currently valued around 70-180 euros (but surely rising).
Another very interesting and uncommon book is the second one, which was made on the occasion of her exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery of London and sponsored by the Observer (at the link you can know more about).
On that retrospective occasion the artists showed old and new works, which "None of this may mean anything to you, but you'll have had a taste of Gillian's art, even if you've never been to one of her shows." (as says the presentation of the exhibition at the mentioned link).
Un altro libro piuttosto intrigante dal punto di vista tipografico e non comune è questo in basso, tratto dalla mostra presso la nota Serpentine Gallery di Londra e sponsorizzata dall'Observer (al link potete trovare maggiori informazioni).
In quell'occasione riassuntiva l'artista espose vecchie e nuove opere, che "potrebbero non significare nulla per te, ma dopo averla visitata avrai ottenuto il gusto della Gillian per l'arte, anche senza averle mai viste", come recita la presentazione alla mostra (link di cui sopra, in inglese).
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Lisa Corinn [curated by], Gillian Wearing, Serpentine Gallery, London 2000 (immagine dal link) |
Between the so-called YBAs (Young British Artist), the famous artist group led by Charles Saatchi in the middle of the XX century (about which I wrote many times - look for ex. this post), Gillian Wearing is the most conceptual.
Born in 1963 in Birmingham, in 1993 she had her first solo exhibition at the City Racing of London.
Her activity is mainly concentrated in videoart and photography, used to express her idea of art: editing life, or in other words the registration of faces and human activities without a precise choice of tipology and always random. As well as photographers like Walker Evans or Diane Arbus.
In the 1993 exhibition she exposed for the first time her famous Signs, a series of pictures made when she went to South London and she asked people to write down their thoughts on a paper and be photographed with them. The pictures made were six thousand and the catalogue I'm suggesting is the result of that. It's her first catalogue, currently valued around 70-180 euros (but surely rising).
Another very interesting and uncommon book is the second one, which was made on the occasion of her exhibition at the Serpentine Gallery of London and sponsored by the Observer (at the link you can know more about).
On that retrospective occasion the artists showed old and new works, which "None of this may mean anything to you, but you'll have had a taste of Gillian's art, even if you've never been to one of her shows." (as says the presentation of the exhibition at the mentioned link).
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