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MARCATRE, n.26/27/28/29, Lerici, Milano 1966 (immagine dal link) |
Il mio professore di storia dell'arte Flavio Fergonzi, che ringrazierò sempre per avermi fatto scoprire e appassionare in questa misura ai mitici anni Sessanta, ci ripeteva all'infinito di prestare attenzione alle riviste d'avanguardia.
A suo dire, testate come Il Verri, Cartabianca o appunto Marcatre (di cui segnalo un'asta infuocata proprio in questi giorni su Ebay) risultavano imprescindibili per comprendere il clima e le tendenze artistiche di quegli anni, conoscerne i meccanismi e le debolezze, ma anche apprezzare il lessico e le idee innovative dei cosiddetti "critici militanti", che proprio in quegli anni si stavano definendo come categoria a sé.
Inoltre era possibile ottenere rare immagini d'epoca e ritratti degli artisti, spesso mai più riprodotti.
Inoltre era possibile ottenere rare immagini d'epoca e ritratti degli artisti, spesso mai più riprodotti.
Alcune di queste riviste, tra l'altro, uscirono in pochissimi numeri, che oggi sono ormai introvabili e contesissimi dagli studiosi.
My professor in History of Art, who I will always thank for making me discover the great 60s, was always repeating to pay attention to avant-garde magazines.
He always used to say that magazines like Il Verri, Cartabianca or Marcatre (in relation to this one I'm suggesting an auction going right on these days on Ebay) were absolutely inescapable in understanding the artistic trends of that years, in knowing their inner working and weakness, but also in appreciating the words and the innovative ideas of the so-called "militant critics", that in that years were coming out as an independent category.
Moreover, it is possible to obtain rare images and portraits of the artists that usually weren't reproduced again.
Some of these magazines, by the way, went out in few issues, which are now scarce and contended by historicians.
My professor in History of Art, who I will always thank for making me discover the great 60s, was always repeating to pay attention to avant-garde magazines.
He always used to say that magazines like Il Verri, Cartabianca or Marcatre (in relation to this one I'm suggesting an auction going right on these days on Ebay) were absolutely inescapable in understanding the artistic trends of that years, in knowing their inner working and weakness, but also in appreciating the words and the innovative ideas of the so-called "militant critics", that in that years were coming out as an independent category.
Moreover, it is possible to obtain rare images and portraits of the artists that usually weren't reproduced again.
Some of these magazines, by the way, went out in few issues, which are now scarce and contended by historicians.
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