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I segreti di Twin Peaks. Il diario segreto di Laura Palmer, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano 1991 (immagine dal link) |
Era da un po' che stavo notando un certo interesse da parte del web per questo libro e un repentino rialzo dei prezzi. Come ormai saprete le valutazioni dell'usato sono spesso condizionate da eventi particolari o oscillazioni della moda per un dato volume.
Questa volta si tratta del diario della ragazza trovata morta in un fiume che negli anni Novanta ispirò la serie televisiva Twin Peaks di David Lynch. Un successo clamoroso per l'epoca, che influenzò notevolmente la cultura pop in Italia (a questo proposito vedi articolo).
Sulla scia del successo riscosso dal programma si era così deciso di pubblicare questo "taccuino segreto", che si interrompe bruscamente sette giorni prima dell'omicidio. All'interno vengono svelati anche molti particolari torbidi della vita della Palmer.
Il libro era già stato in precedenza segnalato da Simone Berni (vedi post) in uno dei suoi manuali come un testo rilevante, ma avendolo sempre visto a prezzi molto bassi non gli davo molta importanza.
Ebbene ieri l'arcano è stato svelato: il canale tv statunitense Showtime ha annunciato che produrrà una nuova stagione di Twin Peaks, la cui uscita è prevista per il 2016.
Ed evidentemente i cultori della serie stanno già ricercando il cimelio per eccellenza del fenomeno!
I noticed a certain interest around the web in this book and a sudden increase of the prices. As you already know, valuations of used books are often influenced by particular events or trends.
This time happened to the diary of a girl who died in a river during 90s, which case inspired tv series Twin Peaks by David Lynch. Really a great success for that times that influenced Pop culture in Italy.
After that they decided to publish this "secret diary", which interrupts seven years before the homicide. Inside are also revealed cloudy particulars of the girl's life.
In the past the book was mentioned by Simone Berni (look the post) in one of his manuals as a relevant text. Personally I've always seen it at low prices, so I've never considered it so much.
But yesterday all came out: in the American tv program Showtime they announced that a new Twin Peaks season is going to be made in 2016.
And clearly the followers of the series are already looking for the rarity related to it!
I noticed a certain interest around the web in this book and a sudden increase of the prices. As you already know, valuations of used books are often influenced by particular events or trends.
This time happened to the diary of a girl who died in a river during 90s, which case inspired tv series Twin Peaks by David Lynch. Really a great success for that times that influenced Pop culture in Italy.
After that they decided to publish this "secret diary", which interrupts seven years before the homicide. Inside are also revealed cloudy particulars of the girl's life.
In the past the book was mentioned by Simone Berni (look the post) in one of his manuals as a relevant text. Personally I've always seen it at low prices, so I've never considered it so much.
But yesterday all came out: in the American tv program Showtime they announced that a new Twin Peaks season is going to be made in 2016.
And clearly the followers of the series are already looking for the rarity related to it!
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