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André Breton, Primo Manifesto del Surrealismo, Edizioni del Cavallino, Venezia 1945 (immagine dal link) |
Chiunque frequenti la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, per motivi di studio o semplice diletto, conosce il Fondo Falqui.
Si tratta della biblioteca personale del critico letterario Enrico Falqui (1901-1974), ricca di edizioni originali (vedi sopra un esemplare) e opere letterarie di primissima qualità. I testi donati sono 33.000, la metà dei quali consultabile a scaffale in una stanza adibita proprio a questa raccolta.
Nei mesi estivi, quando l'afa imperava, mi sono addentrata in questo microcosmo, scoprendo chicche che mai avrei pensato di stringere in mano nella mia vita e che ormai sono introvabili nelle bancarelle.
L'unico neo è stata l'assenza in gran parte delle sovraccoperte, soprattutto per quanto riguarda le edizioni di letteratura straniera edite da Einaudi, Feltrinelli o altri editori italiani dagli anni '40 agli anni '70.
Stupisce la presenza di autori all'avanguardia o di nicchia, a partire da Michel Butor, Jack Kerouac, Alain Robbe-Grillet e molti altri nomi che in quegli anni venivano letti dalla minoranza delle persone ma che un critico come Falqui non poteva farsi sfuggire.
E' stato davvero un piacere per gli occhi e ne consiglio la visita!
Anyone who spends time in the Central National Library in Rome, for study reasons or just for pleasure, surely knows Falqui's Fund.
It's the personal library of the literary critic Enrico Falqui (1901-1974), with a lot of original editions (on the top you have one of them) and very qualitative books. Donated books were 33.000, half of them consultable on the shelves in a room created right for this collection.
During hot summer days I went to visit it and discovered many beautiful books I never imagined to find and which are quite rare right now.
The only fault is that mainly books don't have their dust-jacket, especially when talking about editions of foreign authors by Einaudi, Feltrinelli or other Italian editors around '40-'70.
It's surprising that there are so many avant-garde or niche authors like Michel Butor, Jack Kerouac or Alain Robbe-Grillet and so on, who in that years were mainly unknown. But Falqui didn't miss them.
It was a real pleasure for the eyes, I suggest a visit!
Anyone who spends time in the Central National Library in Rome, for study reasons or just for pleasure, surely knows Falqui's Fund.
It's the personal library of the literary critic Enrico Falqui (1901-1974), with a lot of original editions (on the top you have one of them) and very qualitative books. Donated books were 33.000, half of them consultable on the shelves in a room created right for this collection.
During hot summer days I went to visit it and discovered many beautiful books I never imagined to find and which are quite rare right now.
The only fault is that mainly books don't have their dust-jacket, especially when talking about editions of foreign authors by Einaudi, Feltrinelli or other Italian editors around '40-'70.
It's surprising that there are so many avant-garde or niche authors like Michel Butor, Jack Kerouac or Alain Robbe-Grillet and so on, who in that years were mainly unknown. But Falqui didn't miss them.
It was a real pleasure for the eyes, I suggest a visit!
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