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BRILLIANT! New art from London, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis 1995 (immagine dal link) |
Vi ricordate il mio post dedicato al critico Renato Barilli in cui menzionavo il gruppo di artisti noto con il nome YBAs (di cui peraltro ho scritto anche qualche settimana fa: vedi Gillian Wearing, fratelli Chapman)?
In quell'occasione nominai la loro prima mostra Sensation, tenuta nel dicembre del 1997 alla Royal Academy di Londra, dove per la prima volta si presentavano come "gruppo" vero e proprio e secondo criteri ben delineati.
Dimenticavo però di citare il vero ante quem del loro debutto, che si verificò due anni prima al Walker Art Center di Minneapolis, con un evento di carattere collettivo e con artisti disomogenei e non strettamente legati al collezionista Charles Saatchi (come avvenne a Sensation, dove tra l'altro esposero opere esclusivamente della sua raccolta).
Il titolo della mostra era Brilliant! New Art from London e presentava 22 artisti con opere "aesthetically diverse, provocative (...) united by a shared interest in ephemeral materials and unconventional presentation, a wilful identification with working-class emblems as well as a youthful, oppositional vitality." (Hugh Honour, John Fleming, The Visual Arts: A History, revised seventh edition, Pearson, 2009, p.920).
Il catalogo, dalla veste editoriale sobria ma con uno stile un po' retrò molto accattivante, è già entrato nella storia dell'arte ed è destinato a rimanerci; le sue valutazioni vanno dai 70 ai 150 euro.
Do you remember my post dedicated to the critic Renato Barilli, where I mentioned the artists' group known with the name YBAs (about which, by the way, I wrote a week ago: look Gillian Wearing, brothers Chapman)?
On that occasion I described their first exhibition called Sensation, on December 1997 at the Royal Academy of London, where for the first time they presented themselves as a "real group" with precise criterions.
However I forgot to mention the real ante quem of their debut, which took place two years before at the Walker Art Center of Minneapolis, with a collective exhibition showing various artists not strictly related to the collector Charles Saatchi (as was in Sensation, where by the way there were only works from his private collection).
The title of the event was Brilliant! New Art from London and it was introducing 22 artists with works that were "aesthetically diverse, provocative (...) united by a shared interest in ephemeral materials and unconventional presentation, a wilful identification with working-class emblems as well as a youthful, oppositional vitality." (Hugh Honour, John Fleming, The Visual Arts: A History, revised seventh edition, Pearson, 2009, p.920).
Do you remember my post dedicated to the critic Renato Barilli, where I mentioned the artists' group known with the name YBAs (about which, by the way, I wrote a week ago: look Gillian Wearing, brothers Chapman)?
On that occasion I described their first exhibition called Sensation, on December 1997 at the Royal Academy of London, where for the first time they presented themselves as a "real group" with precise criterions.
However I forgot to mention the real ante quem of their debut, which took place two years before at the Walker Art Center of Minneapolis, with a collective exhibition showing various artists not strictly related to the collector Charles Saatchi (as was in Sensation, where by the way there were only works from his private collection).
The title of the event was Brilliant! New Art from London and it was introducing 22 artists with works that were "aesthetically diverse, provocative (...) united by a shared interest in ephemeral materials and unconventional presentation, a wilful identification with working-class emblems as well as a youthful, oppositional vitality." (Hugh Honour, John Fleming, The Visual Arts: A History, revised seventh edition, Pearson, 2009, p.920).
The catalogue had a sober but a little retrò style and now is estimated around 70-150 euros. It will surely become a piece of history of art.
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